Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pregnancy Nutrition, Upcoming Health Expos and Sutherland Shire Organic and Produce Markets - 1 November 2010

Hey Everyone

Thanks for sticking around and tuning in to the show each and every week over the past 3 months!

This is the last show on air for 2010 as I'll be away in Europe for the Christmas period,  but don't worry, I will  be back again in 2011 starting bright and early from 3rd January.

Don't forget if you're in Sydney to pop it in your diary to listen in to 2SSR 99.7FM Monday's 2-4pm and check the blog weekly to keep updated with all that's health, fitness and wellbeing!

Today we have two interesting SNACK  BITES:

Also if you want to check out some Health and Wellbeing Expos over the next few months check out my list here:

And for those in the St George and Sutherland Shire you can grab all your organic produce straight from the farmers markets at locations listed on our fact sheet:

Also I had a fabulous time broadcasting live from the Gymea Village Spring Fair yesterday. You'll see some photos from the day at the bottom of the blog!

Have a fabulously happy, health and exciting Christmas and New Year if I don't blog beforehand. Although, if I find some interesting information while i'm in Europe, I'll be sure to post.
Yours in health

Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
There is a belief that when you're pregnant you have to eat for 2! And that you may experience weird and wonderful cravings for gherkins with icecream, tuna and strawberry jam or chocolate egg sandwhiches! But pregnancy is the most crucial time in your life for good nutrition and to fill us in on the facts about good pregnancy nutrition and this week, Briony lets us know whether pregnancy really is an excuse to eat more.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hello to all 2SSR 9.7FM Sydney listeners!

Just a quick note to let you know that we will be broadcasting live from the Community Centre on Gymea Bay Road, Gymea for the Gymea Village Fair this Sunday 31st October!

If you are in Sydney or visiting for the weekend, be sure to pop down and check out all the stores and market atmosphere, live on stage entertainment and come and say hi to the presenters at the community centre.

I'll be broadcasting live from 2-3pm and will around until 4pm, and would love to meet you, so be sure to pop in and say hi!

Sunday 31 October 2010 9am - 4pm 
Gymea Bay Road, Gymea, Sydney

Gymea Village hosts one of the Shire’s most successful Spring Fairs and the 2010 Gymea village Spring Fair is set to be the biggest and best so far. Boasting more than 120 stall holders from food stalls to fashion, wine to flowers.

There are two stages packed with nonstop entertainment including local talent from all over The Shire and Sydney. Kids shows, band, dance acts and much more which will keep you entertained as you enjoy the festivities

The Gymea Spring Fair is your chance to experience new and exciting foods. From Turkey to Mexico and everywhere inbetween. No day out is complete without Fairy floss, snow cones and face painting for the kids. There are rides and showbags to make sure that everyone has a smile for the entire day. There is something for everyone!

Come and enjoy a great day out at the Gymea Village Fair. We look forward to seeing you there.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Migraines, Pregnancy aches and Pains and Fasting to save your life - 25 October, 2010

Hello and welcome to Total Vitality for another week!

This week we have some very interesting conversations with leading professionals about Migraines, Fasting and those pesky aches and pains pregnant women and new mums seem to just expect to be a part of the journey.

Also this week I'm hoping to get time to tell you all about the many benefits of olive oil for our health! You can check out the fact sheet right here:

Have a fantastically healthy, vibrant and energetic week!

Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath
Shire Chiropractic
Many people suffer with migraines with varying degrees of pain and symptoms. Research is still being done on why a person may get migraines and how best to alleviate and treat them. Today Dr Bill explains the difference between a headache and a migraine and how you can naturally help to alleviate the pain and reduce the frequency of migraines.

Health and Fitness Specialist
Body Beyond Baby
Any pregnant woman or new mum will tell you that there are natural aches and pains that go along with the journey, but do you really need to suffer with them and just accept they will be a part of the process? Today Jenny gives some tips and advice on how to keep fit and avoid and alleviate those aches and pains.

Chiropractor, Osteopath and Naturopath
Health For Life, Cronulla
(02) 9544 0445
Fasting has been known to help the body overcome disease, restore health and reverse ageing. On Wednesday 27th October, Greg Fitzgerald will be holding a seminar and Q & A session along with special guest Dr Alec Burton on “Fasting Can Save Your Life” and “Reversing the Ageing Process”.
Dr Alec Burton has been renowned as the world’s foremost authority on fasting for over 30 years. Whilst studying medicine in 1949 he became very sick and faced imminent surgery. Instead, under the guidance of a practitioner who understood how fasting aided the body’s innate healing powers, and to the astonishment of his medical professors, Alex fasted and fully recovered, without the need for surgery or drugs. He then studied the subject of fasting, nutrition and natural health and in the early 1950’s, started fasting patients who presented with serious health issues, often helping patients restore their health after doctors had given up on them.

Meet Dr Alec Burton and Greg Fitzgerald at their seminar:
Wednesday 27th October 2010
Doltone House - Belgrave Esplanaede, Sylvania Waters
6.30pm Registration
7.00 – 9.45pm Seminar including two Q & A’s)
$45.00 per person
For details contact Dawn on 9540 1962 or email

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yoga for Kids, Sleep and our health and Natural Fertility Management and Pre-conception Health Care


Welcome for another week! This week we speak to some fabulous professionals about sleep, fertility and yoga for kids!

We also road test the fabulous fig - my all time favourite fruit and find out why they are so good for you! And why you shouldn't waste them by using them as practice golf balls as my boyfriend use to do as a kid!
Check out the SNACK BITE Fact Sheet:

Check back soon to hear the audio from the below interviews and get some more information on Yoga for Kids, Preconception Health Care and the 2010 Sleep Survey - Sleep and our Health!

Director and Yoga Teacher
Bikram Sutherland Shire
Nathan runs Yoga Frogs in the Sutherland Shire which is a great place for kids to learn about yoga, practice postures, make up their own and get fit, flexible and have a heap of fun!
Nathan first started Bikram Yoga after being in a car accident. He has since become a Bikram Yoga teacher, Australian Men's Yoga Asana Champion, and a regular International Yoga Championship competitor. Currently he owns a Bikram Yoga studio in the Sutherland Shire, and also travels nationally and internationally to teach the yoga. If you'd like more information, check out the latest media release HERE.

Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
For a healthy baby,  healthy mum and healthy family, it's crucial to make sure you are in tip top condition. The best way to do this is to be aware of preconception health care and Natural Fertility Management. Check out Briony's audio below to find out how best to get you and your family ready for a new little bub!

Sleep Physician and Researcher
The results have been collected for the 2010 Big Sleep Survey and you can find out all the latest stats at I spoke this week to Dr Keith Wong who was part of the sleep survey to find out how important sleep is for our health.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My first Cross Fit Session

I mentioned yesterday on the show that I'd let you know how my first cross fit training session went.

I arrived at 10.30am to meet with Troy from Fitta Bodies at his new gym in Kensington.
I do love High Intensity Interval Training, but was so keen to be trained one on one with a trainer at that intensity.

Well, let's start by saying I had to do 5 exercises for 1 minute each and move on to the next exercise straight away without rest in between. At the end of 5 exercises I got 1 minutes rest.

I repeated the whole routine 5 times.

After round 2 I was wobbly, sweat was dripping off me and i was breathing very heavily. This was after 10 minutes! I've never felt like that after a jog before.

I pushed myself to do 5 whole rounds instead of the preliminary 3 rounds and once I finished I felt great! 

But it was tough! It was an awesome workout! And it was done in 30 minutes!

I wasn't wearing my heart rate monitor, but i'll wear it when I go back and see Troy next week and let you know how I did.

First impressions: Great gym setup, awesome trainer, hard workout, lots of sweat and an all over body workout!

Oh yea, and on Troy's website it mentions that is customary to get lots of bruises!

Well I was initiated with 2 bruises by the end of the workout! And I bruise easily, so time to get the ice pack and the Arnica oil out!

Can't wait for next week!

Also, this is what I plan to look like after I've been training cross fit for awhile. This chick is fit, toned and has  such low body fat!
Love it!

Sweet Poison - Sugar will destroy you


Sugar makes you fat. It is converted directly to fat by your liver and it destroys your appetite control so that you want to eat more of everything. The more sugar you eat, the fatter you will be. If you stop eating sugar, you will stop gaining weight. Even better, you will start to lose weight dramatically You will still eat as much as you want of anything you want as long as it doesn’t contain sugar. And you won’t feel deprived in any way. In fact, you won’t feel like you’re dieting at all – because you aren’t.
I lost 40 kg by simply eliminating sugar from my life. Five years later, the weight is still gone. I didn’t do that with a diet (no sane person could). All I did was eliminate the substance that was mak ing me fat and sick: sugar. There’s just one little catch (you knew there had to be one, didn’t you?). Sugar is as addictive as nicotine, so breaking its grip requires some techniques.
This book sets out a five-step plan for breaking your sugar addiction. None of it is painful or difficult. As long as you follow the rules, before you know it you will have broken your addiction and be on your way to a permanently slimmer and healthier you.
I don’t remember my first taste of sugar and neither do you. Perhaps it was in your first feeder cup of diluted apple juice. Sugar is the only highly addictive drug that we feed to babies. By the time any of us are conscious of sugar, we are already well and truly addicted. Our brains have been hard-wired to seek out sugar as surely as the cocaine addict is wired to seek out stuff to sniff.
We don’t think of sugar as an addictive drug. We don’t have to meet chaps with questionable personal hygiene on street corners to acquire it. There are no warning labels on products containing it. And our health authorities even recommend that we consume it (in moderation, of course). But research tells us that sugar is highly addictive. Not in a smashed-out-of-your-brain, high-as-a-kite kind of way, but in a more subtle, deceiving, I-can-give-up-anytime-I- want kind of way – a bit like nicotine.
Most smokers think they can give up their nicotine addiction easily. That is, until they try to do it. Then they discover there is nothing easy about giving up. But compared to someone addicted to sugar, a smoker has it very easy indeed.
A smoker is addicted to nicotine. Nicotine is found in ciga rettes, cigars, tobacco and insecticide. It’s not the kind of thing you’re likely to come across by accident. Anyone consuming it is doing so very much on purpose. If you decide that you no longer wish to be addicted to nicotine, there is a very short list of things you should do:
  • Do not put cigarette in mouth.
  • If cigarette is discovered in mouth, do not light.
  • Do not drink insecticide.
However, imagine how hard it would be to break an addiction to nicotine if it were in everything you ate and drank – like sugar. Unlike smoking, eating is not optional.
This book is about how to break your addiction to sugar. My first book, Sweet Poison: Why sugar makes us fat, is all about the science of exactly how bad sugar is for us. In it I document my per sonal journey from ignorant fat guy to well-researched healthy guy I’m not a biochemist or a doctor. In fact, I have no medical training at all. I was simply a very overweight lawyer with a desperate need to know why I could never lose weight no matter how hard I tried.
I had to train myself to read medical journals, to understand what they were saying, and to recognise reputable research from unproven statements. I used my legal training to gather the evi dence for and against the theory that sugar was the cause of many (if not most) of the chronic diseases we face today – including my obesity
I took notes so I could remember how it all worked and those notes turned into a book for people who want to know why sugar is killing them. Sweet Poison is also a case study (of one). It not only documents what the science says, but it tells the story of how I used my new knowledge to change my life. I’ve summarised much of what I found in some of the first chapters of this book.
Sweet Poison doesn’t, however, talk about the science of addic tion. This is an area of medical science that has expanded significantly in the last few years. The main reason for this is that we are begin ning to gain a much clearer understanding of the mechanics of the way our brain does its thing. And along with that understanding comes some very clear ideas about how to mess up these mechan ics. I’ll be talking about some of the recent studies on addiction as we get into the book.
Once I’ve convinced you that sugar will make you fat, give you diabetes, clog your arteries and give you Alzheimer’s disease (to name just a few of its delights), I will show you exactly how to break your addiction to sugar. Breaking this addiction will not require willpower. And it will not require deprivation. It will, how ever, require rules that you will need to stick to. Once you break the addiction, you won’t need the rules any more. Most people do not feel deprived of cocaine, nor do they have to exercise willpower to avoid purchasing it. This is because most people are not addicted to cocaine. Similarly, you won’t need to exercise willpower around sugar or feel deprived when you don’t have it once you break the addiction.
It makes such a difference not having to say ‘I am trying a new diet’ again and again and yet again. I am sure my friends see me as ‘the boy who cried wolf’ (or should that be ‘the girl who tried diet’?).
I have been sugar-aware for about 10 days, and have lost 2.5kg – fantastic! And it’s so easy. I am walking ‘cos I enjoy it and have found a very low or sugar-free version of most things I like. Except chocolate – there was some at work yesterday and, oddly enough, I wasn’t even interested.
*The case studies in this book are direct quotes from posts to the free Sweet Poison Forum
Because you’re clearly highly intelligent (well, you bought this book, didn’t you?), you may already have noticed my first rule in action: I never refer to what you are about to undertake as ‘giv ing up sugar’. ‘Giving up’ implies deprivation. If you think about this process as depriving yourself of sugar, you will never break the addiction. Having the right attitude is critically important to successfully breaking this (or any) addiction, and the right attitude starts with how you describe what you’re doing. You are not giving up sugar; you are breaking a sugar addiction. Start the process now by telling people that this is (what you are doing. Go on!
Most diet books give you lots of complicated rules and proce dures to follow. You may eat only an organic grape picked by a gorilla from the north-eastern side of Mt Ki!imanjaro between 2.32 p.m. and 3.17 p.m. on a Tuesday in August. It must be eaten whilst balancing on one foot. And you may only eat it in combination with lettuce on Fridays before midday. But along with all the complexity comes a very basic set of presumptions about how the body works. Fat makes you fat. Exercise makes you thin. Your liver needs to be detoxified (with lemons?).
This book is exactly the opposite. The rules are simple and broad. Eat anything you like as long as it doesn’t taste sweet. Eat it when ever you like and eat as much as you like, just stop when you feel full. Simple. But the reasons for these rules are based on detailed and thorough analysis of exactly how our body deals with food: what hormones are involved and what the cascade of disease effects are. In other words, this is not a diet book with simple presumptions and complex rules; it is an anti-diet book with detailed evidence but simple rules.
In law, we refer to ‘bright-line rules’. These occur when, given some objective facts, the outcome is known and predictable every single time, no matter what else is happening. Bright-line rules are to be distinguished from the more touchy-feely case-by-case (or discretionary) rules, in which there is room for interpretation. You experience bright-line rules every day For example, the law says that if you exceed the speed limit, you have committed an offence. There are no special circumstances to take into account. All the enforcer needs to know is the speed limit and your speed.
An example of a rule that is not bright-line is the one you will confront if you exhaust the points on your driving licence. You will be asked to explain why your licence shouldn’t be taken away You may have very good reasons for needing to retain it and you might be allowed to, with certain conditions. The allowable reasons and the possible conditions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Nutritionists are not good at bright-line rules. ‘Eat sugar in moderation’ is not a bright-line rule because everybody’s definition of ‘moderation’ is different. But you can’t have squishy rules when you are breaking an addiction, so you will find only bright-line rules in these pages. These rules will end your sugar addiction, and keep you away from the stuff forever.
In Re-stocking (page 96), I guide you through the sugar-infused minefield known as the local supermarket. The Meal Planner (page 127) gives you a basic plan for eating without sugar. And once you’re ‘on the wagon’, you can use the Recipes (page 191), which include some magnificent treats (like ice-cream and chocolate cake) that you might have thought were simply not possible without sugar. Most importantly, throughout the book you will find the rules you will need (see page 168 for a summary) to get through the with drawal period and live in a society where almost everybody else is addicted.
By the time you get to the end of this book, you will know how to give up sugar forever. Once you implement the bright-line rules, you will never need sugar in your life again, and you will do it all without exercising even the smallest modicum of willpower.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Laughter Therapy Websites

Following on from our discussion with Dr Fruit Loop - below are some great websites for you to find out more about laughter therapy and laughter yoga.

Sydney Laughter
Carrington Rd
Randwick NSW 2031
(02) 8005 5704

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Laughter Therapy, Rev your metabolism and Cross Fit Training - 11 Oct 2010

Hope you're having a fabulous week!
The weather here in Sydney has been teasing me with a few hot days and then will confuse me with one freezing day in between!

But nevertheless, I have been back in to my training in preparation for summer and am excited to try out my first Cross Fit session this week with Troy Shipsey from Fitta Bodies!

This week's blog is full of great interviews, and remember if you have any issues you'd like to have discussed or any nutritious foods you'd like to find out more about, send an email to or post a comment below or on our Facebook page  :)

Tumeric is the SNACK BITE for this week, and as I found out, it is super healthy and very handy to have around the house to ward off some potentially life threatening diseases.

Get the Fact Sheet right here:

Cross Fit Trainer and owner of Fitta Bodies
Fitta Bodies
Through the wonderful world of networking, I found Troy and was intrigued by the cross fit style of training. The pictures showed a fun, high energy and intense workout and looked like a lot of fun!
I'm so excited to try out my first session with Troy this week, but today I speak to Troy about Cross Fit Training and fill you in on the facts.

Medical Practioner, Co-Founder and Medical Director of Humour Foundation Australia
The Humour Foundation
Nicole phoned in to ask us whether there really was any truth in the old saying "laughter is better than medicine". Well, Dr Peter Spitzer, aka Dr Fruit Loop and his team of Clown Doctors spend hours each week helping children and adults in hospitals across Australia laugh and have fun. So there must be something to it. Today Dr Fruit Loop gives us the real health facts about humour therapy.

Health and Fitness Specialist
Body Beyond Baby
Well spring has sprung here in the southern hemisphere, but no matter where you are in the world, i'm sure you'd like to get the most out of your healthy eating and intense workouts, and the best way to do that is to ensure your metabolism is always firing. Today, Jenny gives us some tips on how to ensure our metabolism is working properly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Awesome youtube video - this kid is wise!

This video is awesome!

Have a listen, this kid is only 11 years old, but he knows more about the foods we are eating every day than most of the population!

Food for thought! Please post your comments below!

I plan to educate my children on these facts and try and live my life by them!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Some food for thought by Don Tolman

To Keep Your Garden Healthy:

1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of abundance

1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash intolerance

1. Lettuce be happy
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another

1. Turnip for play & sports
2. Turnip emotional support for others
3. Turnip to help one another
4. Turnip the corners of your mouth & smile

1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
4. Thyme to Imagine and Dream

"Bloom right where you are planted."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

4 OCT 10 - Arthritis, Bikram Yoga, Doula

I hope you're having a fantastically healthy week!
This week I've jam-packed the show with lots of interesting interviews from some local professionals, and so only one SNACK BITE today, but it's the super tasty and extremely nutritious Pomegranate!
Check out all the healthy facts here:

Remember to leave a comment or email me at if you'd like your health questions answered by a professional or if you have an interesting health food you'd like me to cover on our Snack Bites section.

We also have a new Facebook Page, so please LIKE it and tell your friends! You can leave comments on our Facebook page as well!

Keep smiling, and stay healthy!

Nutritionist, Massage Therapist, Doula, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
Briony specialises in fertility, pregnancy, post-natal and children's health and wellbeing. The word 'Doula' is an ancient Greek word meaning 'woman servant'. The concept of having a Doula is relatively new in Australia, but is very common in other countries such as United Kingdom and America. A Doula provides emotional, physical and educational support to a woman and her partner throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the post-natal period. Research shows that the assistance of a Doula at birth decreases the length of labour and reduces the need for drugs and medical intervention. Today Briony fills us in on the work of a Doula.

Director and Yoga Teacher
Bikram Sutherland Shire
Bikram Yoga is Hatha Yoga but it is a sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a heated room for 90 minutes that make it unique. Nathan first started Bikram Yoga after being in a car accident. He has since become a Bikram Yoga teacher, Australian Men's Yoga Asana Champion, and a regular International Yoga Championship competitor. Currently he owns a Bikram Yoga studio in the Sutherland Shire, and also travels nationally and internationally to teach the yoga. If you'd like more information, check out the latest media release HERE.

Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath
Shire Chiropractic
With over 30 years of clinical experience, Dr Bill is one of the leading experts in Wholistic Health and Wellness and has helped literally thousands of patients to improve the quality of their lives. Dr Bill has written many articles and blogs on various health conditions, so be sure to check out his websites for more information. Today Dr Bill answers the important questions about arthritis and how to help alleviate the pain and symptoms naturally. You can find more information at Dr Bill's Arthritis Report HERE.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Training styles, Frugivores and Pregnant Running -TOTAL VITALITY 27 Sept 2010

Can you believe it is the end of September already!
The year has definetly whizzed by and we are already nearly half way through spring here in Sydney and I must say, I'm very excited for the warmer weather, the outdoor early morning training sessions and the light, warm, cruisy nights!

One of my favourite feelings in the whole world is being outside on a balmy  night, wearing summery clothes and not being at all cold. Just enjoying the warmth of the night and the relaxing feeling of having to do nothing at all!

This week on Total Vitality it's a girl power week with 3 fantastic, knowledgeable  and passionate woman sharing some great fitness and nutrition information.

Next week we bring the guys back and learn about a few new things, but this week, I hope you enjoy the below audio from Jenny Dugard, Kristin Gleeson and Dr Sandy Tuszynska.

With so much great audio information, we only got time for one SNACK BITE - But it was an interesting one with many health benefits. You can download the Fact Sheet here:

Have a happy, healthy week!

Fruitful Nutrition

This week we continue our conversation with Dr Sandy and find out why we shouldn't cook our food and whether or not it is actually important to eat organic produce.  Dr Sandra is passionate and knowledgeable about raw, living foods and what foods can do to our bodies. She is author of Fruitful Nutrition -  a book I recommend people read to gain a more complete understanding of how our bodies were designed and the relationship our bodies have with different food types.

Health and Fitness Specialist
Body Beyond Baby
In the past few months I have done the Sydney City to Surf (14km), the Sutherland to Surf (11km) and the Sydney Half Marathon (21km). In all events I was running alongside mothers and fathers with prams and kids! And they were fast! This week, Jenny Dugard lets us know if we can still run while pregnant and when and how to start back in to running once we've had a baby. Jenny herself, is a runner and has also just recently had her second child, so she knows what she is talking about from very recent experience!

Online Training Programs Manager
Ideal Bodies Online
All to often, we focus on training in the style we love the most. The style we can do with friends, the style that is the most fun for us. However, a good training program that can help tone your body, help you to lose weight and keep you healthy on the inside, must incorporate a number of different techniques and methods in order for your body to get the most benefit. Today, Kristin talks to us about cardio training, high intensity interval training and resistance training.