Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wellness Coaching - Coach yourself to wellness, Quinoa, Health and Fitness Expos - 28 February 2011


Hope you're all in for another super healthy, fit and energetic week!

This week starts a new month! Always an exciting time as you can reset your goals and plan again to achieve all you wanted!

My new goal for this month is to lose those last 3kg for once and for all and to tone up and get some muscle definition! I'm desperate to have Michelle Bridges arms - so toned even when not flexed!

I have a wedding to train for in a year - so now is the time to flick the switch in the body and the brain and get focussed!
Also it's time to train my mum while she is staying with me. She's not as excited by it as i am and i know it is more her mind that is holding her back, so that is something we need to work on over the next few weeks!

Listen out for next week's Total Vitality show as I have a chat to Dr Bill Davison about a great technique that is perfect for breaking through mind issues and limiting beliefs!

And in 3 weeks i also start my NLP certification which i'm so so so excited about!

But on to this week!
A great SNACK BITE for today and an awesome interview with wellness coach Fiona Cosgrove.

Feel free to leave comments below and let me know what you want to learn in the upcoming weeks!

Stay healthy and happy!




Wellness Coach and author
Wellness Coaching Australia
105 Nicholson Parade Cronulla
NSW 2230 Australia
Wellness Coaching Australia is situated in the Sutherland Shire and delivers wellness coaching services, products and information and training.
These services are provided to the corporate world, to the fitness industry and to individuals who are looking for a way of creating lasting behavioural change for themselves, their clients or their team.
Fiona talks to us this week about making those all important changes in order to become 'well' and why a vision is so important. She also touches on obstacles and how we need to get past them to continue on the road to success.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Check out this article for the facts on Soy foods and why they are not the healthy alternative the media and the industries say it is!
:) Like so many other supposedly healthy foods!



Thanks to Joy from FRUVENU for this great recipe. Feel free to email me at if you'd like help or have any questions, otherwise feel free to check out Joy's website and ask her any health questions you have!
Joy does some wonderful in-home food workshop that you'll love and learn a lot from!!

You can also use any sort of nuts you like. I love Hazelnut milk, but of course almonds, brazils etc also make great flavours!
(PS. Sometimes I brew some caffeine free chai herbs from T2 to my water before i mix it in with the nuts so i have a chai latte all ready whenever i want it! Yummy hot or cold!)

Joy's Tasty Raw Tips    
Almond Nut Milk
Free Recipe!
Ingredients: 100gm Raw Almonds, a few pitted dates, 750ml filtered water
Method:   Soak a handful of almonds, approx. 100gm for 12-24 hours in some water (preferably filtered).  Drain. They swell up to double their size and are much easier to digest when soaked.

Almonds are a good source of calcium and healthy fats. 

You can use them unpeeled (but if you prefer to remove the skins,  pour almost boiling water onto them, wait a minute and then using a spoon, lift out one at a time and squeeze between fingers and thumb.  The skin should slide off easily.  If it doesn’t your water was not hot enough.)
Yes I know it sounds like a lot of hard work but it goes surprisingly quickly. How much time do you spend in front of the TV or yakking on the phone?  If you’re doing a lot of nuts at once, get someone in the family to help out.

Soak some dried pitted dates tin water 12-24 hours. Do not drain.  The water gets syrupy and sweet and the dates soften. Blend the nuts in 750ml filtered water, optional - add the dates with soak liquid = sweet almond milk.

If you are just using the milk to pour on cereal or raw muesli you won’t need to strain the mixture. Otherwise pour the liquid through a nut milk bag - muslin/cheesecloth etc. (I have used a lingerie wash bag before)  Keep the nut pulp for using in other recipes.
The nut milk should keep in the fridge in a glass jar for 4-7 days. Just check toward the 4 day mark to make sure it still smells ok.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Hope you are having a wonderfully healthy and happy week!
Lots of stuff on today's show - and all the audio and fact sheets are below!

I've just come back from an awesome 4 day weekend in Russel in The Bay of Islands in New Zealand. An absolutely spectacular place, gorgeous scenery, beautiful sunny, warm weather and 2 full days out on the water catching fish - King fish, snapper, couple of sharks and some NZ fish. The big job was to catch some Marlin but it seemed they were getting caught on other people's lines and not our own!
Next time!
But we had an awesome waterfront villa and ate some of the best meals i've ever eaten, including the last night's big cook up of freshly caught fish by us and some chips and salad and vegies!
The chips were a bit naughty but they were really good shoestring fries so at least they were enjoyable.

On today's show we talk about some different and highly nutritious SNACK BITES and all the info is right here for you!


Have a grande week till we chat again!
Enjoy all the audios below!

Naturopath and Women's Health Specialist
Today Narelle fills us in on Oestrogen Dominance - what is it, who gets it, how do you know you have it and what does it mean to have it.
If you are having trouble feeling well, losing weight or feeling a bit out of sorts with your health, give Narelle a call or check out her very informative website. She has helped me and is so knowledgeable!

Health and Fitness Specialist
Body Beyond Baby
Jenny has mentioned the pelvic floor in many of her interviews. We hear about it when discussing pregnancy with women, it is mentioned in pilates and yoga classes and it's apparently tricky to find within yourself. So what is the pelvic floor and how do we keep it in top condition - for both men and women.

Living Foods Facilitator
Joy and I were discussing living foods a few weeks ago and she mentioned how foods can affect our moods, our mental state and even influence depression. I have had experience with this in my own and my family's life and so too had Joy. She was kind enough to share her story with us today and let us know some facts she's discovered over the years on how normal, everyday foods can affect us mentally. For more info check out the Mental Health Foundation.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

6 February - IBS, Nutrition for new mums, Living Foods Workshop

Hello and thanks for joining us for another week of Total Vitality!

This week we had lots of information to get out there but ran out of time on the radio program, so stay tuned for the rest of the info in the upcoming weeks!

Our healthy and tasty SNACK BITES Fact Sheets are ready to download below and all the audio from today's program can be listened to right here online.

Don't forget to email me on if you have ideas for a SNACK BITE or are a practitioner wanting to share your latest researcher or an individual who would like more inforamtion on a particular subject.

Here's to another health and super energetic and enthusiastic week!
Best wishes



Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
Today Briony chats to us about the importance of good nutrition for new mums and what supplements and foods to include.
Briony runs some fantatic workshops for new mums and mums-to-be so check out her website and view all her services :)

Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath
Shire Chiropractic
We are constantly seeing ads on TV and hearing specialists and GP's referring to the condition of IBS. It seems any irritation to do with your digestion, bowels etc can be diagnosed as IBS. Which is difficult when it comes to actually solving the problem and gaining relief from the symptoms. For those that are not happy with just taking the pills and potions to mask the problem, Dr Bill might be able to provide you some insight in to this condition and some natural ways of dealing and treating the issue.

Living Foods Facilitator
Although we did not have Joy on the show today, last week I was invited by Joy and Caitlin to a raw living foods workshop. Joy is a living foods demonstrator and runs workshops for families, preschools and child care centres and I was delighted to finally attend one and learn some tips in making great, fun, healthy and tasty raw meals. Caitlin lives with her husband and baby son and regularly with her 4 step-daughters.
I was very grateful to be asked by Joy and welcomed by Caitlin to join their family workshop. We had an absolutely fantastic time, the kids enjoyed playing with the food and learning fun, new ways to eat and I was very pleased to take home some super tasty recipes as well as my big belly full of yummy foods we were able to make and taste during the workshop. Below are some photos from the day and also my chat with Caitlin about what it's like to introduce kids and family to a raw foods lifestyle.
For all the details on having your own Raw Living Foods Workshop, visit FRUVENU at their website and contact Joy for more information.