Saturday, September 25, 2010

Training styles, Frugivores and Pregnant Running -TOTAL VITALITY 27 Sept 2010

Can you believe it is the end of September already!
The year has definetly whizzed by and we are already nearly half way through spring here in Sydney and I must say, I'm very excited for the warmer weather, the outdoor early morning training sessions and the light, warm, cruisy nights!

One of my favourite feelings in the whole world is being outside on a balmy  night, wearing summery clothes and not being at all cold. Just enjoying the warmth of the night and the relaxing feeling of having to do nothing at all!

This week on Total Vitality it's a girl power week with 3 fantastic, knowledgeable  and passionate woman sharing some great fitness and nutrition information.

Next week we bring the guys back and learn about a few new things, but this week, I hope you enjoy the below audio from Jenny Dugard, Kristin Gleeson and Dr Sandy Tuszynska.

With so much great audio information, we only got time for one SNACK BITE - But it was an interesting one with many health benefits. You can download the Fact Sheet here:

Have a happy, healthy week!

Fruitful Nutrition

This week we continue our conversation with Dr Sandy and find out why we shouldn't cook our food and whether or not it is actually important to eat organic produce.  Dr Sandra is passionate and knowledgeable about raw, living foods and what foods can do to our bodies. She is author of Fruitful Nutrition -  a book I recommend people read to gain a more complete understanding of how our bodies were designed and the relationship our bodies have with different food types.

Health and Fitness Specialist
Body Beyond Baby
In the past few months I have done the Sydney City to Surf (14km), the Sutherland to Surf (11km) and the Sydney Half Marathon (21km). In all events I was running alongside mothers and fathers with prams and kids! And they were fast! This week, Jenny Dugard lets us know if we can still run while pregnant and when and how to start back in to running once we've had a baby. Jenny herself, is a runner and has also just recently had her second child, so she knows what she is talking about from very recent experience!

Online Training Programs Manager
Ideal Bodies Online
All to often, we focus on training in the style we love the most. The style we can do with friends, the style that is the most fun for us. However, a good training program that can help tone your body, help you to lose weight and keep you healthy on the inside, must incorporate a number of different techniques and methods in order for your body to get the most benefit. Today, Kristin talks to us about cardio training, high intensity interval training and resistance training.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The ABC's of Natural Health

With so many people moving toward natural health modalities, it seems appropriate to review some common terms in the natural health field.  There are countless methods of natural healing that have been used since the dawn of humankind.  Families, tribes, and communities of people have been utilizing natural medicine long before the development of the MRI and Prozac.  This is just a brief snapshot of some common terms in natural health.  Stay tuned for future segments.
Alternative Medicine - Refers to any health-related practice that is not typical of modern-day (allopathic, western) medicine; includes acupuncture, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and much more.
Ayurveda - A centuries-old practice of holistic health that originated in India.  Ayurveda involves everything from yoga and meditation to foods, herbs and lifestyle practices.  Translates as "Life Science" and is based on three body/personality types called Doshas. 
Herbology - The study of the use of plants in restoring or maintaining health and balance.  Plants or plant extracts are used internally or externally to treat or support a wide variety of conditions from wound healing, to constipation, to stress and much more.
Holistic - Emphasizes whole health of body, mind and spirit.
Homeopathy - Often confused with "Holistic".  Homeopathy was developed by a physician named Samuel Hahnemann.  It is a method of treating disease by balancing energy and restoring the life force of the recipient.  Homeopathic remedies are ultra-diluted solutions of materials that originated from plant, mineral or animal sources.  Homeopathy operates under the "Law of Similars" or "like treats like" where a remedy contains the essence of a substance that would cause the same symptoms that it is used to treat, if it were given at substantially higher doses.
Integrative Medicine - Combines (integrates) modalities of both eastern and western medicine, such as using herbs or acupuncture to relieve the side-effects of chemotherapy.
Life Force - The energy that flows through a living body.  Called Qi (chi) in Chinese medicine and Prana in Ayurveda and Yoga.  The life force flows through channels in the body called meridians and extends beyond the body in the aura.
Naturopath - Refers to natural health professionals who are trained as either Traditional Naturopaths or Medical Naturopaths.  These people focus on treating and preventing disease and restoring/maintaining balance using natural methods.  Each Naturopath will have a variety of modalities that they implement based on their unique training specialties.
Traditional Chinese Medicine - Often abbreviated as TCM; a centuries-old practice of holistic health that originated in China.  Treatments and lifestyle practices revolve, somewhat, around which personality type you are; earth, fire, wood, metal or water.  Includes analysis of the tongue and use of herbs, foods, and practices such as acupuncture to balance Qi.  To determine your personality type, take the online quiz at
Whole Food Diet - Many natural health modalities have their foundation in nutrition and most recommend a diet including whole foods.  Whole foods are straight from nature.  They are unadulterated and unprocessed before they get to your house.  Typically a whole foods diet is predominantly vegetarian with small portions of organic or naturally produced animal products included.  A few examples of whole foods are apples, barley, basil, raw nuts, carrots, eggs and beans.
To determine your Ayurvedic Dosha, visit: Consider investigating one or more of the terms listed above and enjoy the many benefits of natural health!
Patti Bartsch, Ph.D. is the owner of Naturally Unbridled ( ), a holistic life & wellness coaching company. She is a Certified Clinical Practitioner and Holistic Life & Wellness Coach with the American Council of Holistic Medicine as well as an Adjunct Professor for Kingdom College of Natural Health. Patti combines her unique background in biotechnology, nutrition, education and holistic wellness to empower her clients to achieve their optimal life and health through simple, natural methods. Visit to take a free quiz to see how Naturally Unbridled you are and receive a FREE GIFT - the "Heal Naturally" chapter from my book "7 Steps to a Naturally Unbridled Life"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Infant Massage, Allergy Elimination, Frugivores - Total Vitality 20-Sept-10

Today as I write up this week's Total Vitality Blog i'm in a bit of pain from the Sydney Half Marathon!
My knees are quite sore and still have sore hips!
But I do love to run and be a part of something as big as the Sydney Half Marathon so it's all worth it in the end!
Today we have two interesting and rather different SNACK BITES and you can check out all the facts right here:


Yours in health

Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
We all love to get a massage! It helps clear out the toxins, gets rid of knots and held tension and it relaxes our body and mind. Babies also love massages. It helps them both psychologically and physically, but it also works spiritually in creating a very special bond between baby and parent/carerer. Listen to Briony's audio below to find out more and check out the Birth in Balance website for information on how you can learn the techniques for yourself.

Chiropractor, NAET and NET Practitioner
Willesee Chiropractic
I suffered for 5 years with a wheat and dairy intolerance that ended up leading to a digestive system that found it difficult to break down a much larger array of foods. Whenever I went out to eat, I envitable came home feeling sick, bloated, in pain and very uncomfortable, often for days afterward.
I did not feel it would be possible to live my whole life like this - so I started looking for information on how to fix it. Kate's site came up, and after a few months treatment, I felt fantastic! Toady Kate discusses that therapy that is NAET - and she can help you also alleviate the symptoms associated with your concern/illness.

Fruitful Nutrition

I came across Dr Sandra after I borrowed her book Fruitful Nutrition off another of our professionals - Maya - and became very interested in Dr Sandra's knowledge,  her findings, her research and her beliefs. The idea of raw, living foods and eating organic vegetables and fruit was not new to me, however the information on how our bodies work, how we have been designed and what foods should be eaten together was very interesting to me. On today's audio, Dr Sandra Tuszynska chats to us about Frugivores - what does it mean and why us humans should be one!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Living Foods, Infant Massage, Theta Healing - Total Vitality 13 Sept-10

Welcome to Total Vitality! Hope you are having a fantastic day/night/week/month/year!! 

I've had a very exciting week this week, having spent almost 24 hours at the Success Summit here in Sydney - listening to 13 of the worlds best experts on investments such as property options, shares, eBay and internet e-commerce businesses, property and influence. We also had Tony Robbins live on stage for 4.5 hours straight helping us with our mind, and how our STATE is so important to what we do, think, believe and achieve in life.
Then we were lucky enough to be able to hear Sir Richard Branson speak and I was so excited about that!

I learnt a great deal, have now a lot of things to put in to place in both my mind and my actions. Lots of work ahead, but it's always so exhilarating after an event like this, so the trick is to run with it straight away and get that big boulder moving!

On this week's Total Vitality we spoke to 3 awesome ladies about 3 very different topics. All the audio and info is below.

Also, please check out the SNACK BITES for this week and download all the details here:

Have a happy and healthy week!

Living Foods Facilitator
This week on Total Vitality, Joy speaks to us about how we can eat delicious foods and still get all our vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins from fresh, raw, living foods. Joy is involved in many raw food groups, so check out her website for workshops in your area. Also 10/10/2010 is World Raw Food Day, so be sure to check out the details and learn more about how you can include more healthy, fresh living foods in to your diet.

Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
We all love to get a massage! It helps clear out the toxins, gets rid of knots and held tension and it relaxes our body and mind. Babies also love massages. It helps them both psychologically and physically, but it also works spiritually in creating a very special bond between baby and parent/carerer. Listen to Briony's audio below to find out more and check out the Birth in Balance website for information on how you can learn the techniques for yourself.

Mind and Body Practitioner
Spark Health
Have you ever wondered why an area of your life is just not working for you? Even though you seem to be doing everything you can and just getting more frustrated?
Well, it’s most likely because there is a strategy, limiting decision or belief or something else that is stored in your subconscious that you have absolutely no awareness of. Carmen can help using a number of different therapies including, 
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Intuitive Healing, Spiritual Counselling, Timeline, Theta Healing, EFT, Polarity, Reiki and Meditation
Over the next few weeks, we will be discussing these different therapies with Carmen, however today, Carmen fills us in on all the details for Theta Healing.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

109 year old man - HIS SECRETS

I just wanted to share this story I just found on a raw foodist website.

I find it fantastic that the power of your mind and what you eat is so powerful when it comes to life!
My plan - to live at least to 109 years old!
Bring it on!
Always aware of keeping my diet clean, reducing stress and enjoying life!
Please read, I know you'll find it interesting.


109 Year-Old Raw Foodist Recently Celebrates His Birthday

Raw foodist and author Bernardo LaPallo just celebrated his 109th birthday on August 17. Take a look at the video from Fox News Phoenix below to see just how young and vibrant this amazing man is:

Bernardo looks younger than most people I know in their 70s and 80s! He is a living example at just how powerful diet and a positive outlook in life can be.

109 years old! Let's put that into perspective. Birth year: 1901. Bernardo is still very much alive and kicking, and was born before Lou Gehrig, Charles Lindbergh, Bob Hope, George Orwell and 13 years before World War I.
And he's not even done yet. Bernardo expresses to the interviewer in the video above just how often he thinks of death: never.

A true Immortalist!

Bernardo LaPallo is not a 100% raw foodist

If you watch the video, note that he is not a 100% raw foodist and still consumes fish along with some other basic grocery store foods, but the bulk of his diet is fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish. I would wager that most healthy centenarians are not so obsessive about their diet and don't maintain the strict dogma that many of us in the movement are prone to. Bernardo is a true Health Rebel.
Bernado shows us that a relaxed and open attitude to diet is amenable to a long and truly healthy life.
Bernardo doesn't just eat his way to youth, though. He is a confirmed advocate of using olive oil on his skin every single day as one of his youthening protocols. Those of us in the optimal health community are well aware of the benefits of rubbing coconut oil on the skin as often as possible.

Not Waiting to Die...

What's so cool about Bernardo's story, is that he isn't just sitting down everyday with tubes sticking up his nose. He is very active and very aware. His brain is firing and he has a fire in his eyes.

In fact, this centenarian is the author of a recent book about health and longevity called Age Less, Live More. In addition, he is actively pursued as a consultant by those wishing to maintain their own high levels of health from around the world.
What else does the future hold for Bernardo? In addition to releasing another book soon, he wants to open up a raw food/American food hybrid restaurant in his town of Mesa. Oh, and he has a blog too:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hormones, Hypnobirthing, Pets as Therapy - Total Vitality 6-Sept-10


Thanks for dropping by :)
This past week has been crazy busy for me - trying to do way too many things at once!

I did have my first NLP/hypnosis session which was fabulous and I look forward to getting some more breakthroughs and clearing some patterns again on Tuesday.
We'll discuss this type of therapy in a future show!

I've also been learning a lot more about stress and the myths surrounding stress and how we can completely control our own perception of how our lives are and our reaction to everything. Therefore, nothing external from us is "stressful" or a "stressor" - it is our perception and our reaction to a situation that will prove to create stress or not. So, be aware of how you are reacting today! :)

The first SNACK BITE this week is something i've been wanting to try for a while and after doing my research on it this week, i've convinced myself I need to try it! The other is a yummy seed that i've been using a lot more in recent months. I hope you enjoy! Download the FACT SHEETS below:

Thanks again for tuning in and stopping by!
Remember, feel free to leave a comment below or contact Total Vitality on or you can contact me personally on to leave any messages or requests for information or topics to discuss on the show.

Remember to wait a few seconds for the audio to load when clicking on the mp3 players below.

Stay healthy

Naturopath and Women's Health Specialist
This week, Narelle expands further on hormones and the role they play in our health and weight. Hormones can play a big role in thyroid function, oestrogen dependence, insulin resistance and adrenal burnout. In this interview Narelle touches on some of these problems and in future programs, we will discuss each of the above conditions in more detail.

Naturopath and Women's Health Specialist
Health Equals Vitality
About 6 weeks ago when I first started Total Vitality in the Sutherland Shire, I read an article about women who have experienced much calmer, trouble-free pregnancies and labour through the use of Hypnobirthing. I managed to get in touch with Emma Sutherland who holds hypnobirthing classes in Sydney and works with women and their partners through their pregnancy, teaching them skills and techniques of relaxation. Fear equals pain and so with the absence of fear and by having a calm and relaxed state of mind, being completely in control, women have experienced less pain and more ease throughout their pregnancy and birth. 
Today Emma fills us in on what exactly is hypnobirthing.

Founder and Program Manager
Velma's Pets as Therapy
Like many people, I love animals - of all different shapes and sizes, and know for myself that spending time with my cats and other animals brings me so much joy and can completely lift my mood! Many years ago I found out about Velma's Pets as Therapy and decided that when I had room for more animals, especially dogs, I'd volunteer at Velma's. As it has now been proved that animals are fantastic for our health, I wanted to have Velma on the program to tell you herself about the great benefits of owning a pet and spending time with animals.