Sunday, September 19, 2010

Infant Massage, Allergy Elimination, Frugivores - Total Vitality 20-Sept-10

Today as I write up this week's Total Vitality Blog i'm in a bit of pain from the Sydney Half Marathon!
My knees are quite sore and still have sore hips!
But I do love to run and be a part of something as big as the Sydney Half Marathon so it's all worth it in the end!
Today we have two interesting and rather different SNACK BITES and you can check out all the facts right here:


Yours in health

Nutritionist, Doula, Massage Therapist, Natural Therapist
Birth in Balance
We all love to get a massage! It helps clear out the toxins, gets rid of knots and held tension and it relaxes our body and mind. Babies also love massages. It helps them both psychologically and physically, but it also works spiritually in creating a very special bond between baby and parent/carerer. Listen to Briony's audio below to find out more and check out the Birth in Balance website for information on how you can learn the techniques for yourself.

Chiropractor, NAET and NET Practitioner
Willesee Chiropractic
I suffered for 5 years with a wheat and dairy intolerance that ended up leading to a digestive system that found it difficult to break down a much larger array of foods. Whenever I went out to eat, I envitable came home feeling sick, bloated, in pain and very uncomfortable, often for days afterward.
I did not feel it would be possible to live my whole life like this - so I started looking for information on how to fix it. Kate's site came up, and after a few months treatment, I felt fantastic! Toady Kate discusses that therapy that is NAET - and she can help you also alleviate the symptoms associated with your concern/illness.

Fruitful Nutrition

I came across Dr Sandra after I borrowed her book Fruitful Nutrition off another of our professionals - Maya - and became very interested in Dr Sandra's knowledge,  her findings, her research and her beliefs. The idea of raw, living foods and eating organic vegetables and fruit was not new to me, however the information on how our bodies work, how we have been designed and what foods should be eaten together was very interesting to me. On today's audio, Dr Sandra Tuszynska chats to us about Frugivores - what does it mean and why us humans should be one!

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